Sunday, July 10, 2005

Moved already!

For whatever reason, I have found Blogspot confusion and Typepad easier. Blogspot is free - excellent value. Typepad is cheap. Anyhow, you can find me at which will link you to . Come see me!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Getting Started

The other day I was listening to CBC Radio One when they interviewed a group of bloggers. The general question was "Why?" Beyond the somewhat smartass answer, "Why Not?" there seemed to be a variety of reasons. Some people blog to practise their writing skills, some do it for attention, some need the soapbox. Knit Bloggers seem to be slightly different. There seems to be a true sense of community among knit bloggers that extends well beyond the virtual world. Witness the over $70,000 raised through Stephanie for Medecins Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders. Or look at the over 3,777 items handmade for the Dulann Project. Claudia easily passed the $3000 mark in donations for her recent MS ride. Knitters are amazing, generous people who give of themselves daily.
In the blog world, there is always a new project or technique to inspire. It is the Summer of Lace and Sockapal-two-za is underway! My "Chicks With Sticks" knitting group are working on a Ribby Shell-A-Long over the summer.
This blog has several purposes. I love to write. I'm excited about writing for an audience, however small. This is also the meeting place for the Montgomery Chicks With Sticks. Members of that group will be able to check in here for the latest updates from others and find out about our next get together. Of course, there will be plenty of pictures to liven things up. Yes Darling, I did have an ulterior motive when I bought that digital camera for your birthday! Stay tuned.